
Varizen (lat.: varix = Cramp Vein) are irregular, snaked Veins.

Varikosis (Cramp Vein Suffering) : expanded Varizen of the Legs.

Cramp Veins develop, if the Veins extend and the Valve Function is ensured to no more due to a Vein flap insufficiency.

About suffer Half of all adults Central Europeans from Cramp Veins.
Contrary to the harmless spider veins, which represent only an esthetic Annoyance, it concerns with the Cramp Veins an Illness, which can draw untreatedly heavy Consequences such as Container Inflammations, chronic Blood Circulation Disturbances, Ulcers or lethal Container Catches. Therefore a punctual Therapy is important.

Most frequently the superficial skin Veins are affected, e.g. the large master Veins (Vein saphena magna and parva), the Perforansvenen (Connection between deep and superficial Vein system) and the side branch Veins

With the primary Varikosis (idiopathische Varikosis) Vein wall weakness or a Flap Insufficiency is responsible for the Vein extension.
A family Assessment is nearly always present. The Development of the Varikosis Is Favoured by standing Activities, Predominance and Pregnancy..

The secondary Varikosis develops due to other Vein illnesses (e.g. a deep

leg Venous Thrombosis), which leads to a Discharge Handicap in the deep Vein system or Destruction of the Vein flaps. The Consequence is that the Blood flows in reverse, wrong Direction over the connecting Veins (Perforansvenen) into the superficial Vein system. With the increased Pressure (more Blood in the Veins) the superficial Veins expand themselves.

Depending upon Localization and Size of the Veins concerned in each case five Forms are differentiated from Cramp Veins. Often a Combination of the different Forms is present

- Besenreiservarikosis : only completely small Veins lain in that Skin are extended. Their netlike or wreath-like Arrangement is Typical.

- Retikuläre Varizen : small Nebenäste is concerned, the Perforansvenen is functional.

- Perforansvarikosis : Insufficiency or Function Loss of the connecting Veins

- Seitenastvarikosis : large Side Branches V. saphena magna and parva are concerned.

- Stammvenenvarikosis : the two Main Trunks, thus the V.saphena magna or V.saphena parva, are concerned.


- Inspection and Anamnesis
- Function Test (Perthes test, Trendelenburg test)
- doppler Sonographies and duplex Sonographies (in particular to the Proof of Flap Insufficiencies and venous Flow of blood).
- Phlebography with planned operational removal.
The Therapy depends on the Degree Of Difficulty of the Illness:

What can the Patient do?

- Weight Normalization,
- regular physical Activity,
- should be provided with a sitting or standing Activity for sufficiently frequent Interruptions,
- Change Castings or foot Contrast Baths,
- Stretchers of anatomically favorable Footwear without high Sales.
Compression Treatment:

  On Arrangement of the treating Physician carry from compression Stockings or compression Thights.
 Â· For the Removal of Varizen two Procedures stand for Order:
- the Sklerosierung (Depopulation) with smaller local Varizen and those
- operational Varizenremoval:
    Removal of Seitenastvarizen
    Prevention of the Perforansvenen

    Varizenremoval after Babcock (Varizenstripping) with Master and
  Waiting Room TV: Information Video about Varizen
Monday - Friday : 07:30- 12:00 am
open appointments : 07:30- 08:30 am
Special appointments on request
Burgstraße 9
67659 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49-631-3160550
Spider Veins Treatment
Digital X-ray
In-Patient OP since April 2010
Out-Patient OP
Chiropractic therapy
Continuity Physicians
Magnetic Field Therapy
Shock Wave Therapy

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