Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic therapy literally translates to “Healing with the Handâ€.
The cause of many problems, first and foremost the spine and joints, are “blockages.†These difficulties are accompanied by painful restrictions of movement, which can be greatly helped by chiropractic therapy. The most frequent problems are found in the small joints of the spine, but also are found in the larger joints such as the knee, hip and elbows. After consultation about the complaints and about the patient’s history of the illness, there follows a thorough physical examination.
After a sure diagnosis, the treatment is undertaken by the doctor, not by strength or wrenching, but rather by short, abrupt accelerated impulse at the moment of muscular relaxation in the so-called “free direction.†A correctly performed chiropractic therapy will not cause any kind of instability as is often argued.
Frequent indicators:
Back pain, sciatica, lumbago, muscle pain, stiff neck arthritis, and many more.
If you would like to have these therapies, please speak to us
We will gladly provide you with further information.
The cause of many problems, first and foremost the spine and joints, are “blockages.†These difficulties are accompanied by painful restrictions of movement, which can be greatly helped by chiropractic therapy. The most frequent problems are found in the small joints of the spine, but also are found in the larger joints such as the knee, hip and elbows. After consultation about the complaints and about the patient’s history of the illness, there follows a thorough physical examination.
After a sure diagnosis, the treatment is undertaken by the doctor, not by strength or wrenching, but rather by short, abrupt accelerated impulse at the moment of muscular relaxation in the so-called “free direction.†A correctly performed chiropractic therapy will not cause any kind of instability as is often argued.
Frequent indicators:
Back pain, sciatica, lumbago, muscle pain, stiff neck arthritis, and many more.
If you would like to have these therapies, please speak to us
We will gladly provide you with further information.